All of our CBD products are made from industrial hemp with THC levels below 0.3%. So our CBD based products do not have intoxicating effects.
People considering or taking CBD products should always mention their use to their doctor, particularly if they are taking other medications or have underlying medical conditions.
Because each person's body structure is unique, it is difficult to set a predetermined measurement that is right for everyone. It is recommended to consult a doctor or health professional to determine an amount right for you.
Scientifically speaking, industrial hemp and marijuana are the same plant, with a genus and species name of Cannabis sativa.
Most of the time, marijuana has a high amount of THC and a very low amount of CBD. Hemp, on the other hand, naturally has higher amounts of CBD (in most instances) and only trace amounts of THC.
Fortunately, the cannabinoid profile of hemp is ideal for people looking for benefits from cannabis without the ‘high.’ Historically, hemp has been used to make food products, fiber, rope, paper, bricks, oil, natural plastic, and so much more.
In the US, marijuana is usually used both recreationally and medicinally. The term “cannabis oil” can refer to either a marijuana or hemp-derived oil, since marijuana and hemp are two different forms of cannabis. All Hemp Valley Farms CBD oils are derived from hemp.
CBD is a naturally occurring component of the hemp plant. It is a non-intoxicating phytocannabinoid that offers a range of whole-body uses. CBD is just one of dozens of phytocannabinoids and other phytochemicals found in hemp.
In 2018, updates to the U.S. Farm Bill legalized the commercial cultivation of hemp under certain regulations. Hemp Valley Farms CBD products are American-grown on our very own farm, with high-CBD industrial hemp.
For the best shelf life please store in a cool dark area away from direct sunlight, with low humidity. This will help to preserve the properties of the hemp extract. If properly stored CBD may have up to a 1 year shelf life
Hemp Valley Farms oil is USA-grown industrial hemp, from our very own farm, and may contain trace THC levels below 0.3%. Hemp Valley Farms does not guarantee that you will or will not pass a drug screen after consuming our products. It is possible that the trace THC content may show up on various drug screenings.
Hemp Valley Farms products contain hemp-based CBD, which is federally legal to be purchased anywhere in the U.S. without a marijuana card or doctor’s prescription. Please check your local laws to verify that CBD is legal in your state.
The short answer is no. Even in high doses, CBD is non-lethal. However, taking too much CBD may increase your risk of side effects. You may feel dizzy or lightheaded, which could increase your risk of accidental injury.